In the distant future...

An ancient creature long extinct and forgotten by humanity-- the cat. Recent discoveries have allowed us to recreate the quadruped animal's biological structure, behavior and habitat. With this plethora of new information, a specialized team of scientists have developed a fully immersive virtual reality environment where cats are raised and observed, and people can even dive in and interact with them. The project has harbored great success.

However, one day, the researchers notice a malfunction within the simulation, as too many cats have begun appearing out of nowhere and causing their numbers to grow exponentially. Someone has to go in and find the root of the problem. That is, if they can survive the massive swarm of cats that awaits them...

How does it play?

This is a very barebones action-arcade game. Within the procedurally generated simulation, you must try to survive for as long as possible while collecting currency and avoiding suffocating to death by the huge wave of incoming cats. The Catmeter, a gauge that indicates your susceptibility to cats, grows gradually and automatically as you spend time in the simulation. The more cats begin stalking you, the faster it will reach 100% and cause a game over. So try to survive for the longest time possible!


I know! This game was developed in a week for the Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2, where the theme was "Calm Before the Storm", which while may sound intimidating, I tried to approach in a more wholesome kind of way. So please enjoy!


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